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Background checks start as low as $19.95 with no contracts.
Screening Packages

Criminal Background Screening Packages

- Kress Packages -

Our Criminal Background Screening Starter Packages

KRESS ensures quality hires in a fast, accurate, and compliant way

Starting at

Express Package

Almost Instant Results!

  • Social Security Trace
  • Sex Offender Search
  • Global Terrorist Search
  • National Criminal Search
  • Alias Names Search

Starting at

Entry Level Package

1 Business Day

  • Social Security Trace
  • Sex Offender Search
  • Global Terrorist Search
  • National Criminal Search
  • Alias Names Search
  • Current County Criminal Search
  • Excluded Parties Search

Starting at

Essential Package

1-3 Business Days

  • Social Security Trace
  • Sex Offender Search
  • Global Terrorist Search
  • National Criminal Search
  • Alias Names Search
  • County Criminal Search
  • 3 Counties, 7 years
  • Address History
  • Excluded Parties Search

Starting at

Premium Package

3-4 Business Days

  • Social Security Trace
  • Sex Offender Search
  • Global Terrorist Search
  • National Criminal Search
  • Alias Names Search
  • County Criminal Search
  • 3 Counties, 7 years
  • Address History
  • Excluded Parties Search
  • Employment Verification
  • Education Verification

Free Background Check Comparison Report

Learn about the KRESS difference with our FREE background check comparison report. As an industry leader we offer all-inclusive background check reports for a better price, and our reports always stand up in court. Get your FREE background check comparison report to discover what your current provider isn’t doing.


Get The KRESS Difference

Many criminal background check providers claim to offer “all-inclusive” screening packages. We actually go the extra-mile at NO EXTRA COST.

  • We check all aliases.
  • We run criminal checks on all variations of a candidate’s name for the last 7 years (e.g., “Mike Johnson” as well as “Michael Johnson”).
  • We don’t charge every time we run a candidate’s name.

This means less liability for your business for less money and less work on your part. Call us today to set up an account and begin screening!


Protect Your Business with Customized, Compliant Criminal Background Check Packages

Limit your liability with our background check packages that are built to fit your company’s needs. No matter your industry, we offer a pre-employment screening package tailored just for you—or we will create one.


More Than Criminal Background Checks

KRESS offers a full suite of pre-employment screening services to business of all sizes across many different industries.



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