In 2014, the EEOC and FCRA wreaked havoc with several household names for their employment and background checking policy, including Whole Foods, Family Dollar and BMW. Now, Michael’s is on the chopping block again for a faulty disclosure form. This week, the update is focused on employment law and how it applies to your human resources department.
Troutman Sanders: Retailer hit with second FCRA Class Action pertaining to background checks
This is the second round for Michael’s with the FCRA because of problematic background check procedures—several other companies have had the same issue with the FCRA including Whole Foods in 2014. It is absolutely essential that the background check disclosure is absolutely pristine, or else the company can end up in court.
Law360: Texas slams EEOC bid to evade background check row
The state of Texas is challenging the EEOC on its regulations for using background checks and the subsequent criminal records for hiring. A lower court dismissed the case, but Texas is refusing to cede the point.
Littler: DC bill would bar pre-employment marijuana testing
DC is considering a bill that would bar all employers from conducting pre-employment drug screening unless it is required by law.
TLNT: There’s power in perks, but not all companies get that
The top perk in 2015? It’s flexibility, not bagels.