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Dealing With Stereotypes in the Workplace

Dealing With Stereotypes in the Workplace

There are all types of stereotypes that dominate office life. Whether your boss or best friend want to admit it, they have probably judged you at some point during your employment.

Wal-Mart Introduces New Scheduling Program

Wal-Mart Introduces New Scheduling Program

Are you the type of business that has complex schedules with your employees rotating in and out at all hours? If so, you probably know the difficulty in keeping things together efficiently!

Escaping the Workplace Rut!

Escaping the Workplace Rut!

Have You Gone All-In? If you have worked long enough at one company, you have probably experienced the dreaded workplace rut at some point or another. It can be hard to shake and sometimes sends people to other places of employment.

Preparing Your Leaders Even if They Aren’t Fully Ready

Preparing Your Leaders Even if They Aren’t Fully Ready

Many managers within today’s workplace are starting their first leadership experience. As a hiring manager, you saw something in them, whether they’re an outside hire or an in-house promotion. Being promoted into a leadership position greatly changes the pace of the work environment.

Toxic Workplace Environments to Avoid!

Toxic Workplace Environments to Avoid!

If you’ve been in the workplace long enough, you’re likely to have a story or 20 about one horrible place you’ve experienced. We’ve found that many of those toxic workplace environments share a few basic characteristics. As an employer, it’s important to try and avoid these as much as possible.

Popular Workplace Trends in 2016

Popular Workplace Trends in 2016

It doesn’t take much to change the culture of an entire workplace. New management or an influx of new employees can make your place of work feel very different in a short amount of time.

How-to-Handle Employee Diversity in the Workplace

How-to-Handle Employee Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity is something that makes being an American beautiful. The opportunities in this country are plentiful and people of all cultures can work together to create something special. With diversity comes different personalities, backgrounds, and methods of communication.

How Pokémon Go Can Succeed in the Business World

How Pokémon Go Can Succeed in the Business World

If you hang around the water cooler, you have probably experienced your coworkers discussing the new “Pokémon Go” mobile game. The app encourages users to catch Pokémon through the GPS technology on their phones. The game more than likely seems completely irrelevant to your business.

Two Insightful Books to Add to Your Summer Reading List

Two Insightful Books to Add to Your Summer Reading List

School is out, the sun in shining, and all we want to do is relax in the air conditioning. It’s that time of the year again; to start your summer reading!

The Pros and Cons of Anonymous Reviews

The Pros and Cons of Anonymous Reviews

Collecting honest feedback from employees about their managers can be a challenge. That’s why more and more organizations are adopting anonymous, 360-degree reviews from their staffs.

Entrepreneurs power New Orleans restoration

Entrepreneurs power New Orleans restoration

This week is all about the SMB and entrepreneurs:

Federal, state and corporate: Are your background checks in compliance?

Federal, state and corporate: Are your background checks in compliance?

Compliance–it is one of the top concerns for SMBs this year, but where does the SMB begin? Many aspects of a business are required to meet federal and state standards.

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