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The Alarming Rise in Drug Test Tampering

The Alarming Rise in Drug Test Tampering

We're witnessing a substantial and concerning trend in the workplace: a disturbing rise in the number of workers tampering with drug tests. This behavior, also known as "adulteration," involves manipulating a urine sample to mask or alter the presence of drugs.

The Benefits of Pre-Employment Drug Testing

The Benefits of Pre-Employment Drug Testing

Most companies require job candidates to submit a drug test before finalizing the job offer as this is an expected part of the application process for any position. When a pre-employment drug test is required, the job offer is contingent upon the applicant’s passing the test with a clean result.

Virtual Form I-9, New Background Check Law, New York Legalizes Marijuana

Virtual Form I-9, New Background Check Law, New York Legalizes Marijuana

In today’s Weekend Roundup, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will continue to allow virtual document inspections for Form I-9, Illinois passes a new Senate Bill that tightens restrictions on employer use of criminal background checks, and New York legalizes marijuana…

Trust The Experts And Hire With Confidence

Trust The Experts And Hire With Confidence

The importance of screening new hires is essential for any business to succeed. Done properly, this process can save significant time and money. Did you know that a bad hire can cost a company up to $240,000? A compliant screening process can help eliminate that risk.

A Look At Healthcare Background Screening

A Look At Healthcare Background Screening

As the healthcare industry continues to have a surge of new hires it is imperative to ensure your candidate pool is at its best.

Keep an Eye on Your Employees with Continuous Background Checks

Keep an Eye on Your Employees with Continuous Background Checks

Did you know 48 percent of employers do not re-screen employees after they’re hired, even though they may pose significant ongoing risk due to their access to company assets, customers, and colleagues?

Can I Drug Test My Employees? Avoiding Holiday Backlash with Random Testing

Can I Drug Test My Employees? Avoiding Holiday Backlash with Random Testing

The festive season is often filled with joy, celebrations, and, unfortunately, an increase in substance abuse. For employers, HR professionals, and small business owners, this period can lead to significant challenges in maintaining a safe and productive workplace.

50 Shades of Green

50 Shades of Green

Marijuana laws have been rapidly changing across all 50 states and it can be confusing. Some states have legalized all forms of marijuana, while others allow medical use, and then there is everything in between.

The Road to Recovery

The Road to Recovery

As a manager it is incredibly difficult to watch a colleague deal with addiction. However, there is light at the end of tunnel when it comes to their recovery. Returning to work is a critical part of healing for many employees in recovery.

Is Your Driver Alright?

Is Your Driver Alright?

As a fleet operator, an accident involving one of your vehicles can have negative repercussions. However, an accident involving one of your vehicles driven by an employee with a suspended or revoked driver’s license is very damaging to your company!

Weekend Roundup: Vaping in the Workplace, Next Generation Truckers, Don’t Spark Up in NV. Just Yet

Weekend Roundup: Vaping in the Workplace, Next Generation Truckers, Don’t Spark Up in NV. Just Yet

Is it time to rethink your workplace policy on e-cigarettes? Most employers have a ban on smoking in the workplace, however some policies don’t include e-cigarettes.

Drug Tests are Not Disjointed–More Americans are Testing Positive

Drug Tests are Not Disjointed–More Americans are Testing Positive

Today, 11 states (plus the District of Columbia) and counting have legalized recreational use of marijuana. Others have decriminalized the drug or approved it for medical use. No surprise, then, that more American workers are testing positive for marijuana use.

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