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Are You Doing Your New-hire Reports Right? Find Out!

Are You Doing Your New-hire Reports Right? Find Out!

Hiring new people can easily add a lot of excess work to your already full plate. As management, it is your duty to know how to file New Hire Reports and not let those things slip your mind.

How HR Managers Can Help Reduce Employee Stress

Stress in the workplace—it can increase burnout, employee turnover, and decrease productivity. Unfortunately, reducing workplace stress is a difficult challenge for HR managers. It involves changing company culture, training managers, and setting new guidelines for employees.

HR Tips: Preventing Employees From Emailing After Hours

We send and receive hundreds of emails every week. Email is still the most frequently used method of communication for businesses. It’s on our desktops, our laptops, and now it’s on our personal phones and Apple Watches—but when does it become too much?

HR Tips: Rock Your Employee Engagement Surveys

Employee engagement surveys are a great way to receive feedback from employees on company culture, job satisfaction, and more. The idea of conducting a survey seems simple, but it’s important to ask the right questions.

HR Tips: Essential Employee Engagement Survey Questions

You think employees are satisfied at your company—but do you have the data to back that up?

Three Time-saving Solutions for HR Managers from KRESS

As an HR manager, you have plenty on your plate. You’re scrambling to answer phones, finish payroll, manage benefits, and deal with your everyday tasks.

Automated Adverse Action Can Save You Time and Money

Although adverse action lawsuits rarely happen when compared to the number of job applicants processed each year, these lawsuits seem to have made the headlines over and over again in recent years.

How HR Managers Can Help Build a Better Workplace

As a hiring manager, great talent has to go through you before they can make it onto the team. That’s why HR managers can help build a better workplace from the time they onboard talent through a first work anniversary and beyond.

How to Spot a Dishonest Job Candidate

We’ve all known someone who has done it. Maybe even you have done it: lying on your résumé or a job application. The average job posting receives more than 100 applicants, so it can be tempting for many applicants to try to stand out. This poses a problem for many recruiters and hiring managers.

How to Correctly Consider Job Applicants with a Suspended License Conviction

Driving with a suspended license convictions are among the most common convictions in the U.S. In fact, this conviction makes the top 10 list of the most common convictions. Deciding whether or not to hire someone with a suspended license currently or previously is no simple decision.

The Unexpected Costs of a Bad Hire

So, you’ve hired a new employee. It doesn’t take long to find out they’re not quite right for the job, and they either quit or are let go. This is a common occurrence for many hiring managers, and it could be costing employers millions of dollars each year.

How to Manage Your Company’s Interns

Creating an internship program sounds like a great idea for many businesses. It’s a low-cost way to find future employees, pursue new business goals and projects, and give students the hands-on experience they need to succeed in their future careers.

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