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E-Verify Changes 2024: What Employers Need to Know

E-Verify will undergo significant changes in 2024, and employers must stay informed and prepared. These additional updates are designed to streamline the employment eligibility verification process for both employers and employees, moving towards a modernized, integrated, and self-service system.

As part of a select group of background check providers, KRESS Inc. was involved in the earliest stages of the Basic Pilot Program, which later became E-Verify, and we remain at the forefront of changes and updates.

In this guide, we'll outline what you need to know about the E-Verify changes coming in 2024 and how to prepare for them.

Quick Overview: What is E-Verify?

E-Verify is an internet-based system that allows businesses to confirm the eligibility of their employees to work in the U.S. It checks the information from an employee's Form I-9 against records available to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Social Security Administration.

This process ensures employers maintain a legal workforce and adhere to employment laws. E-Verify is essential for federal contractors and in states where its use is mandated. However, it's also available for all employers on a voluntary basis.

With E-Verify, employers can also opt for remote document examination, which was introduced as part of temporary flexibilities to accommodate businesses operating remotely. Note: Employers using E-Verify must retain copies of the documents reviewed and follow the procedure for all E-Verify cases, including any employees who have been examined remotely.

Recap: New I-9 Form 2023 Updates

In 2023, the I-9 form received an update that simplified the verification process for employers and employees. Key updates included:

  • Consolidation of Sections 1 and 2 into a single sheet for brevity.
  • Adaptation to a digital format for easier use on tablets and mobile devices, reflecting the trend towards digital completion.
  • Movement of Section 1 Preparer/Translator Certification to a separate supplement.
  • Relocation of Section 3, for re-verification or rehire, to its own supplement.
  • Flexibility was added with an update to the Lists of Acceptable Documents to include certain receipts.
  • Reduction of the instructions from 15 to just eight pages.
  • Introduction of a new checkbox for employers to indicate remote document examination, supporting workplace flexibility.

Changes Coming in 2024

In 2024, E-Verify is set to undergo a 'next generation' transformation with the rollout of two major advancements: E-Verify NextGen and E-Verify+.


This updated version of E-Verify will be gradually introduced throughout 2024, starting with a pilot in the spring to collect user feedback. It aims to combine the processes of Form I-9 and employment eligibility verification into a single smooth procedure. This not only boosts efficiency for employers but also gives employees greater control over their personal data.

Features and Benefits as Detailed by

Key features include:

  • Employee-Controlled Data: For the first time, employees will have the power to input their own information and documents directly, enhancing the security and privacy of personal data while minimizing the likelihood of mistakes.
  • Immediate Notifications: Employees will get immediate updates if there is a need for any further actions to confirm their employment eligibility, significantly reducing the employer's responsibility in issuing Further Action Notices.
  • Verification Status Sharing: Employees will be able to share their employment eligibility status with potential employers, making job transitions smoother and reducing repetitive paperwork.

E-Verify NextGen

E-Verify NextGen takes integration a step further by blending the Form I-9 process directly with E-Verify, making the hiring process more streamlined and shifting responsibilities towards the new hires.

Highlights include:

  • Remote Document Verification: With this new feature, verifying documents can be done remotely, providing a flexible option for employers.
  • Employee-Driven Input: New hires will use a secure personal myE-Verify account to enter their details and documents, reducing the need for HR departments to handle sensitive information.
  • Direct Mismatch Resolution: Direct communication will inform new hires of any discrepancies, placing the onus on them to resolve any issues, thereby streamlining the mismatch resolution process for employers.
  • Portable Verification Status: Employees can carry their verification status between jobs, simplifying the hiring process for both employees and employers.

These enhancements are geared towards digitizing and refining the employment eligibility verification process, aiming to increase accuracy, reduce administrative hassles, and improve security and privacy for employers and employees.

The Employer Takeaway

These advancements mark a considerable shift in the verification process. The changes are designed to bring about an easier, more secure, and more efficient pathway for employers to ensure their workforce is legally eligible to work. For employers, this translates into a streamlined hiring procedure, less time spent on paperwork, and increased compliance with legal requirements.

Speak to an Expert

Navigating the ever-changing employment verification landscape is challenging for employers. The complexity of managing I-9 Forms and ensuring all procedures are correctly followed can be a significant burden, especially for businesses without a dedicated compliance team.

As a designated agent authorized by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), we're experts in I-9 employment authorization verifications. Our team simplifies the management and completion of I-9 Forms, making hiring seamless and efficient.

Let us help you navigate these complexities, so you can focus on what you do best - running your business!

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