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Let’s face it—ending any kind of relationship can be hard. Even if it’s just one of your business’ vendors, letting go of a long-term partner can be tough.
There are many mistakes inexperienced interviewers can make, but among the most common is looking for a positive attitude in applicants.
By now, you’ve most likely heard of the “Ban the Box” initiatives that are passing in cities and states across the country.
2016 was a busy year for human resources professionals. Many new laws and policies were passed around the country that will come into effect in 2017. Among the legal trends were many new rules that could significantly impact your company in the coming year.
Many of us make New Year’s resolutions that are aimed at improving our personal lives or our family life. But what about our careers? Improving our lives at the office can lead to less stress both at home and in the office.
As HR managers, we receive emails from nearly every employee, as well as countless vendors. The many emails received in a day add up to one thing if we’re out of the office for over a week or even just a few days–inbox chaos!
• It costs $7,000 to replace a salaried employee, $10,000 to replace a mid-level employee and $40,000 to replace a senior executive. Source: Recruiting Times … • 9% of job applicants falsely claimed they had a college degree, listed false employers or identified jobs that didn’t exist. Source:
It’s the busiest travel season of the year. That means you and your employees are taking off to visit family and friends and celebrate the holidays, but many employees will also take their work with them. As a business owner or manager, this is great news!
This is the time of year when many employees will be receiving their annual bonuses. It’s also the time when many employees will not. This can be a sensitive subject for employers to navigate with their employees, whether bonuses are much lower than expected or they won’t receive them at all.
Every year, the office’s Secret Santa picks are made and we’re in the same pickle. We’re stumped for gift ideas! Selecting a gift for a boss or coworker you hardly know is always a challenge, and throwing in the extra variables of your office culture and budget don’t make it any easier.
Lately, it seems as though Millennials are the topic of any discussion when it comes to hiring and recruiting. If you’ve read your fair share of the latest industry articles on Millennial employees, you might think they’re the most difficult cohort to work with, ever.
It’s the most wonderful time of year! Office holiday parties are right around the corner. Work parties are an important part of team-building and unwinding, but it’s important for employees to remember that professionalism still applies—even after hours.
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