This week is all about the SMB and entrepreneurs: looking back at those who helped rebuild Crescent City, helping those in the midst of correctly classifying their employees per the DOL Interpretation, and examining a single employment law that may be a game changer for all businesses by 2020. And, if you’ve not read it yet, we’ve got the must-read piece for HR from the New York Times as well as the TNLT review.
New Orleans restoration powered by the SMB
Inc.: Meet the Businesses Helping Leads New Orleans Restoration
It’s been a decade since Hurricane Katrina struck, and while Brad Pitt, Harry Connick, Jr. and other celebrities did their part, the real heroes of New Orleans are the small businesses who stayed and worked tirelessly to restore the city to the haven for culture and commerce it has always been. Thanks to entrepreneurs like @jambalayagirl of Cook Me Somethin’ Mister, Entrepreneur Jen Medberry of @Kickboard and Daniel Victory @VictoryNOLA, Crescent City is back in business.
Classifying your employees correctly
Lexology: Employee or independent contractor? Take the true/false quiz
SMBs (and larger companies) are still wrestling with how to classify their workers. Here’s a true/false quiz authored by Texas law firm Baker & McKenzie to help employers correctly classify their employees.
Minimum wage changes for Texans
Lexology: Employment Law Trends for 2015
What do you think has been the most significant trend in employment law? Between the recent cases on religious discrimination in hiring, the new overtime laws, and reclassification of workers, many of the laws passed this year with have a lasting impact. However, this article argues that the most significant change is the shift from the minimum wage to living wage mindset. While some cities have already passed a $15/hr law, in Texas, our first legislated transition to the living wage may be in 2020 with a bill by U.S. Senator Sanders.
TLNT: Maybe Amazon’s New World Of Work Isn’t Right For Someone Like Me
Sometimes, HR can fix a culture problem. But, sometimes, when the company is as big as Amazon, HR suffers from the culture issues as much or more than employees. A recent New York Times article on working at Amazon exposes the issues at the mega-retailer, and the TLNT author claims it is a must read.