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HR and Management Weekend Round Up - April 19 2014

April 19, 2014—April 20, 2014

California Federal Court Ruling May Have Validated Employee’s Right to Steal

The Ninth Circuit Court of California reviewed a case in which an employee was fired for eating a bag of chips at Walgreens during her shift without paying. She was fired, and the EEOC argued that because she was diabetic, she should not have been (she said she took the chips because her blood sugar was low and later paid for them). While the ruling is not
definitive, it does take a new stance on ADA accommodations.

Inc. magazine: “7 Reasons You Need to Manage Your Online Presence More Carefully”

If you are not actively managing your online presence, it may be escaping you. This article provides tips on why management must shape their own online profile.

Forbes: “Does Doing Good In Business Imply Doing Less Well?”

This article, all about the need for focus, outlines a new book, “A Culture of Purpose”. The article itself offers business leaders a valuable look at the role that focus plays in business.

TLNT: “I’ll Say It Again: We Need to Get Rid of Resumes and Job Descriptions”
This is an article titled “Classic TLNT”, but it brings up an eternally relevant point: how do you find the best candidate? Are you using the right tools to discover who might be the next best thing for your team?

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