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HR and Management Weekend Round Up - August 9 2014

Aug. 9, 2014 — Aug. 10, 2014

HR: Eight Basic Mistakes in HR Management

There are three “legs” that support managers and supervisors in doing their jobs—policies and practices, performance management, and job descriptions. Unfortunately, in many companies, each leg is weakened by basic mistakes that make compliance difficult

Financial Post: 10 Ridiculous Resume Lies

Can you top these? When more than half of applicants lie on their resume, there are bound to be some interesting stories. Have you ever interviewed an Olympic medalist, or someone who claimed to be one? 2015 Salary Survey: It’s Another Year – and Another Mediocre 3% Increase

(Here’s the link to the survey from Mercer.) According to the latest survey data from Mercer, salary predictions are not looking good for 2015. Even though the rosier picture of the economy caused analysts to predict bigger raises, and the recent employee surveys clearly show a need for it to maintain happiness and workforce stability, most employers are predicting no more than a 3% raise for their workforce.

Fast Company: “Just Build Stuff”

The Fast Company quote of the week this week: “Just Build Stuff.” If you’re ready to emerge from the doldrums, just build!

Entrepreneur: “Using Wearable Devices to Help Promote Employee Wellness”

There’s a new alternative to the tired “Biggest Loser” and smoking cessation programs to employee wellness. Companies are purchasing the new fitness equipment (no, not treadmills…think Jawbones) for their employees and seeing real change.

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