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Background checks start as low as $19.95 with no contracts.

Background Checks Don’t Verify Resumes. ResumeMatch Does.

The verification you didn't know you needed

Candidates can submit different information in their background checks than what was on their resume—without detection.

ResumeMatch flags hidden discrepancies before it’s too late.

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Spot resume discrepancies automatically
Keep HR and hiring managers aligned
Secure, 24/7 Data Protection

Kress Background Checks are trusted by

Think background checks verify resumes? They don’t.

The hiring gap no one talks about: Traditional background checks don’t compare what’s verified to what was originally submitted.

Candidates know this—and take advantage of it. They enter details that are more likely to pass verification, leaving hiring teams exposed to risk. In fact, research shows that over 40% of resumes contain discrepancies. Candidates can submit different education, work history, or credentials in their background check than what was on their original resume—without detection. 

That means:

  • Job titles don’t match.
  • Degrees aren’t the same.
  • Employment gaps appear.
  • Past roles disappear.

Without ResumeMatch, these discrepancies slip through unnoticed—leading to costly hiring mistakes, compliance risks, and unqualified hires.

How many bad hires could you have already made?

ResumeMatch: The Missing Link in Background Checks

The only tool that automatically compares resumes against verified background check data—so you never miss a discrepancy.

Catch Mismatches Before They Cost You

Most hiring managers assume background checks verify resumes. They don’t. Candidates can submit different details in background check forms than what was originally listed—without detection. ResumeMatch flags these hidden discrepancies before it’s too late.

Save Time and Automate Verification

Manually comparing resumes against background check reports is time-consuming and often overlooked. ResumeMatch automates the process, cross-referencing submitted details with verified records—saving HR teams hours of administrative work.

Hire with Confidence – Every Time

Even the most thorough background checks only confirm what candidates enter at the time of screening. ResumeMatch ensures education, work history, and credentials align with what was originally submitted—so you hire based on truth, not assumptions.

Your Hiring Process Deserves Better

Hiring managers don’t have time to manually compare background checks with resumes. That’s why we built ResumeMatch—to do the work for you.

  • Backed by 30+ years of experience in employment screening.
  • Used by internationally recognized companies to prevent hiring risks.
  • Integrated with Essium and Workday – Seamless hiring workflows that save time and reduce stress
  • Secure, 24/7 Data Protection – Your data stays safe with AWS infrastructure, encryption, and around-the-clock monitoring.
  • Save 20% time-to-hire

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Resumes tell a story. ResumeMatch finds the truth.

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Verify Resumes in Three Simple Steps


ResumeMatch fits into your existing hiring process with zero disruption. Just upload, compare, and review.

Step 1

Upload the Resume

Start with the exact document received from the candidate during the hiring process.

Step 2

Compare & Analyze

ResumeMatch automatically cross-references submitted resume details with verified background check data.

Step 3

Flag Discrepancies

Identify mismatches in job titles, employment dates, education credentials, and more—before making a hiring decision.


Take the Guesswork Out of Hiring

ResumeMatch ensures every background check aligns with the original resume—so you can hire with confidence, accuracy, and speed. Talk to our team today to see how ResumeMatch fits into your hiring process.

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