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The Importance of a Great Reference Check

A job candidate’s references serve as important windows into that applicant’s skills, accomplishments, and workplace habits with their previous employers. To get the most out references as resources, expert care must be taken to ensure that the right questions are being asked to get proper insight into how your candidate functions as part of a team.

An applicant’s references are often past coworkers, usually as a team member or immediate supervisor. These close working relationships can offer HR professionals a deeper understanding of the candidate beyond the basic information that the candidate chooses to present in an interview or on a résumé. For example, a good reference check could unveil that a candidate may be less than reliable or untrustworthy behind closed doors in the office. All too often, employers will even discover that their applicant’s “references” are simply made up.

Failure to effectively check references leaves employers with an incomplete picture of who an applicant really is. Asking lazy or ineffective questions, or failing to contact the reference at all, could leave your company unaware of one applicant’s habit of staying late to complete their work and another candidate’s history of letting coworkers down.

KRESS Employment Screening helps businesses make the most out of applicant references by offering reference verification. Verification specialists validate the references on your candidate’s application or résumé with questions that will uncover truly useful information about the candidate and how they are viewed.

Don’t hesitate to go beyond the basics in your hiring process. You should want to know who a person really is before they start working with your team every day. Get started with KRESS today!

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